Liposuction, Botox, SmartLipo and Cosmetic Surgery
We offer the latest in minimally invasive cosmetic surgery procedures, including minimally invasive procedures as well. This not only includes the traditional dermal fillers and Botox that most Medical Spas offer, but also the latest in laser technology like SmartLipo, Liposuction, Vaser Lipo, CO2 Smartskin, and other laser lipo.
With over 18 years of experience and unsurpassed success in Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology procedures combined with State of the Art and Advanced Technology, Dr. Vincent Ivers has perfected the art of laser liposuction and laser cosmetic surgery. Dr. Vincent Ivers offers a Medical Age Defying Panama City Spa unlike any to the area. Throughout the Florida Panhandle, The Medical Cosmetic Center is known as "The Laser Cosmetic Center of Excellence".
Contact us today for all of your needs for the following types of services: lipo,
face lift,
neck lift,
fat removal,
dermal fillers, CO2 Smartskin, facials, and much more.
